To give users a centralized and secure community to gather, and to discuss all things
The forum is for anyone and everyone who uses Here you will find tips and best practices on how to use MSPbots features, step-by-step troubleshooting and recommend for the new feature request
Users can recommend features and integration and ask the community to vote if they also find it to be useful for their business flow.
This is the category about the integration that doesn’t have whole lot of users and discussions.
- Tsheets
- Time Doctor 2
- Contact Science
- Hubspot
- Jira
- If you would like to recommend a new feature or integration click here to go to the New feature request page in
- You may ask your peers and business partners to vote and help your topic reach the top 3 most voted new feature requests
- Please do not post any personal information on this forum. Share your personal information here at your own risk.
- If you want to post a question or contribute to a conversation, please check out our guides to using the forums
- Please treat this discussion forum and your fellow users with respect. Writing a good post or asking a good question are key to being a valuable contributor in the forums community.