[General Feature] Let MSPBots post a summary rather than a card. Card notification doesn't show in previews

To which integration/function area is this feature request related? Other Integrations

Summary: Let MSPBots post a summary rather than a card. Card notification doesn’t show in previews.

Description: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/iis-support-blog/how-to-change-notification-text-when-bot-sends-an-adaptive-card/ba-p/1945008

Why: Just adding cards means that engineers aren’t actually notified of the problem and have to manually navigate to the channel every time they want to see the notification. They then don’t do this.

Priority: Medium

Hi Jason,
Thank you for reaching out.
I’ve created a ticket (HELP-10842) and you may view it by signing in here: https://support.mspbots.ai
We’ll be setting your request as “backlog” and it will go through the process of being reviewed/approved/for development/release with no ETA. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

To view and submit tickets, please visit: https://support.mspbots.ai
Wiki on how to log in: https://wiki.mspbots.ai/display/MKB/How+to+Login+to+MSPbots+Service+Desk+Client+portal