[General Feature] want to add a dataset to QB Timer - so that breaks can be associated with time gaps

Summary: want to add a dataset to QB Timer - so that breaks can be associated with time gaps

Description: QB timer is only in/out times with no designation if break, paid, unpaid, lunch, etc. this would grab those tables

Why: high - in/out not enough

Priority: High

@Michael_Johnson , it should be done in a week or two once we add them to the dev queue.

Do you already have the use case in mind? What kind of widgets design, or bot design do you have if we deliver the datasets?

My biggest use case would be to have a widget that matches time worked even if added by the timer so I can live compare payroll hours vs time entered into our PSA

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Agree with Camron. And a “whos working” bot but not just in/out- someone might be on lunch and should be left alone. Someone is approaching 8 hours and needs to clock out. Someone is nearing their 5 hour mark and needs to take mandated lunch, etc.

@Camron_Matthews . @Michael_Johnson , if you can do a mockup in excel or anything about how this widget should look, that will be very helpful for our data analysts to get it delivered faster.

For the widgets and bots, if you can help with the more detailed design by going to this link, that also can speed up the development.
New Feature Request (mspbots.ai)

Meantime, I will ask our dev team to start working on the datasets for you.

I haven’t decided how the widget would look because I have no dataset to work with, but I would imagine it is pretty basic; one column with total PSA time entry and another column with QB time entry including the on the clock time that hasn’t been saved as a time entry yet.

Having this dataset would help us build multiple widgets.


Example simple Status Table / Dashboard / Widget
Current Time 10:05 AM
Employee Current Status Start Time
(would be first clock-in for day)
Out Time (would be most recent clock out/break time - but simply shows as OUT in QB) Hours Worked Today
Emp A In 8:00 AM 2.083
Emp B Break 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 3.083
Emp C Meal 6:00 AM 10:00 AM 4.000
Emp D Out 5:00 AM 10:00 AM 5.000
Emp A is currently working and available
Emp B is currently on mandated rest break (paid) so hours keep counting
Emp C is currently on mandated meal break so clock stops while at lunch
Emp D is clocked out for day
Client Billable Effectiveness or blah Utilization
Emp RMM Time Today QB Time Today CBE (RMM/QB) RMM Time Week QB Time Week CBE (RMM/QB)
Emp A 4.5 6 66% 25 38 66%
Emp B 5 6 84% 32 38 84%
Emp C 5.4 6 90% 36 40 90%
Our goal is 90% so 90% would show all green - :slight_smile:
81% to 90% needs improvement so yellow warning
Under 80% is RED, bad, needs work or write up

NOTE: conditional formatting coloring did not come across-

This is what QB Timer already has and it shows break type employee is currently on-

Awesome! I will add this to our product queue, our product team will keep you updated with the development progress!