[New Bot] Alert fifteen minutes prior when a firm appointment is scheduled in ConnectWise Manage

Summary: Alert fifteen minutes prior when a firm appointment is scheduled in ConnectWise Manage

What problem/s will this bot address? We use a custom Manage schedule type called Firm Appointment. This is used to indicate this schedule cannot be move and is typically used when scheduling meetings with customers. We would like MSPbots to alert the user that this appointment is fifteen minutes away. We have missed appointments in the past and would like to prevent this.

MSPbots has a legacy dataset, ConnectWise Manage Reports Schedule - API, but does not have a current dataset that can see the scheduled type value.

Is there any dashboard that you are using today to address this problem? no

When should this bot be triggered? If 15 minutes before scheduled time, then send a message.

Where do you want to send the message? Teams - Specific User/s

Details of the message to be sent if the bot is triggered:

   What happened? You have a firm appointment scheduled in fifteen minutes that cannot be missed. Please wrap up existing work and start preparing for your appointment.

   What should the recipient be asked to do? Please be prepared for your appointment in fifteen minutes.

   Why should the recipient do it? An appointment has been scheduled in fifteen minutes that cannot be missed.

Suggest a name for this bot: Firm Appointment in Fifteen Minutes

Description of this bot: Firm Appointment Alert

Priority: Medium

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for your request.
Our team is already working on your request. We’ve also created a ticket for your request HELP-6040. To view your ticket, please login to https://support.mspbots.ai.

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