Summary: Bot to Technician at End of Day. If Technician signs out & is assigned to ticket w/ following statuses: “Triaged, Acknowledged, Escalated, Client Responded, In Progress, Re-Opened, Done Yet?”
What problem/s will this bot address? Client Satisfaction
Is there any dashboard that you are using today to address this problem? yes
Where is the dashboard located?
When should this bot be triggered? If If Technician signs out & is assigned to ticket w/ following statuses: “Triaged, Acknowledged, Escalated, Client Responded, In Progress, Re-Opened, Done Yet?”, then send a message.
Where do you want to send the message? Teams - Specific User/s
Details of the message to be sent if the bot is triggered:
What happened? Dear, , you have tickets that require status updates before leaving for the day.
What should the recipient be asked to do? Please update statuses and inform the client.
Why should the recipient do it? This is required before leavign for the day.
Suggest a name for this bot: End of Day QA
Description of this bot: This bot reminds techs to update statuses at end of day.
Priority: High