Summary: Meeting command to set rules as billable.
Same as “out”, but billable
What problem/s will this bot address? Utilization time for Management.
Is there any dashboard that you are using today to address this problem? no
When should this bot be triggered? If new meeting , then send a message.
Where do you want to send the message? Teams - Specific User/s
Details of the message to be sent if the bot is triggered:
What happened? Dear your meeting has started and you will be set to Busy
What should the recipient be asked to do? Please type ‘in’ when meeting is over
Why should the recipient do it? To avoid false time and utilization count
Suggest a name for this bot: Meeting
Description of this bot: Utilized Time for meetings with no ticket numbers
Priority: Low
@Willem_Loots_OxygenI , could you please write up in more detail? We have trouble understanding the use case, for example, when you mention “if new meeting”, what does the “new meeting” mean? Where is the meeting information stored?