Summary: Our core services dispatcher would like to be alerted when a ticket changes Manage boards from desktop to help desk. I checked datasets and cannot find a dataset that captures audit trail records.
What problem/s will this bot address? The dispatcher needs to monitor tickets that move boards to track SLA and ensure client expectations are met. We need to track when the ticket changes from Desktop Support to Help Desk and from Help Desk to Desktop Support.
Is there any dashboard that you are using today to address this problem? no
When should this bot be triggered? If ticket changes service board between two departments, then send a message.
Where do you want to send the message? Email
Details of the message to be sent if the bot is triggered:
What happened? Dear , a ticket for has switched from to .
What should the recipient be asked to do? Please review the ticket and ensure the client expectations and due date are updated.
Why should the recipient do it? This is to ensure the client is aware that the ticket has changed boards and may alter the previously scheduled due date.
Suggest a name for this bot: Core Serivces Service Board Change
Description of this bot: This bot alerts when tickets move from one core services board to another.
Priority: Medium