[New Bot] Watch a teams channel for a post and if the post is not replied to in X minutes to send a teams message and then send teams message to select users. Escalate messaging until response

To which integration/function area is this feature request related? Other Integrations

Summary: Watch a teams channel for a post and if the post is not replied to in X minutes to send a teams message and then send teams message to select users. Escalate messaging until response.

What problem/s will this bot address? We have a teams channel that teammates post for help. The challenge is when things are busy or people are busy we miss a message since we rely on the Teams notifications. Also, when the channel is busy it is easy for a new post to get buried because teams moves responses to the end of the list. In addition to monitoring the channel I would like to be able to pull details from the chat to report on such as. Who posted, time of first post, time of 1st response, time of last response so I have some metrics to get to average response time or average time to resolve.

Is there any dashboard that you are using today to address this problem? no

When should this bot be triggered? If No response, then send a message.

Where do you want to send the message? Teams - Specific User/s

Details of the message to be sent if the bot is triggered:

   What happened? Post is CS Operations with No Response.

   What should the recipient be asked to do? Check CS Operations and respond to request.

   Why should the recipient do it? We are missing our commitment to monitor channel we said we were going to monitor.

Suggest a name for this bot: Teams Channel Monitoring Bot

Description of this bot: Monitors channel for post and replies.

Priority: High

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