[New Integration] Microsoft CSP

To which integration/function area is this feature request related? Integration

Integration name: Microsoft CSP

Do you have the dataset API in your mind already?: Yes

Do you have widgets design already?: Yes

Do you have bot use case already?: No

Where is the API documentation URL?: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/partner-center/developer/partner-center-rest-api-reference

pay?: no, I will not pay

Priority: Medium

Hi Ashley,
Thank you for your interest in seeking a new integration for MSPbots. I have generated ticket HELP-9426 to address your request. You can view this ticket by logging-in here: https://support.mspbots.ai). To set your expectation, this will undergo stages of review, approval, development, and release. Please note that an estimated time of completion (ETA) is currently unavailable.

To view and submit tickets, please visit: https://support.mspbots.ai
Wiki on how to login: https://wiki.mspbots.ai/display/MKB/How+to+Login+to+MSPbots+Service+Desk+Client+portal