[New Integration] Microsoft Defender

To which integration/function area is this feature request related? Integration

Integration name: Microsoft Defender

Do you have the dataset API in your mind already?: Yes

Do you have widgets design already?: Yes

Do you have bot use case already?: No

Where is the API documentation URL?: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/api/apis-intro?view=o365-worldwide

pay?: yes,I can pay

Priority: Medium

Hi Liam,
Thank you for reaching out.
I’ve created a ticket HELP-14271 for your request (Microsoft Defender integration) and you may view it by signing in here: https://support.mspbots.ai
Please be informed that this request might take a while to be implemented, it will go through review/for approval/development/release with no ETA. Rest assured that we’ll update your ticket once available.


To view and submit tickets, please visit: https://support.mspbots.ai
Wiki on how to log in: https://wiki.mspbots.ai/display/MKB/How+to+Log+In+to+the+MSPbots+Service+Desk+Client+Portal