To which integration/function area is this feature request related? Integration
Integration name: NFON Cloudya PBX
Do you have the dataset API in your mind already?: Call History. Live calls.Call queues.
Do you have widgets design already?: No
Do you have bot use case already?: Show Current or previous connctwise tickets for person phoning in. Show how mant times that person has phoned in in last week/month.
Where is the API documentation URL?: I have the documentation downloaded. It needed to be requested from them
pay?: no, I will not pay
Priority: Medium
Hi Ruth,
Thank you for reaching out.
I’ve created a ticket HELP-11416 and you can view it by signing in here: We’ll take note of your integration request, for now, we’ll set it to backlog and it will go through the process of review/approved/for development/release with no ETA. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
To view and submit tickets, please visit:
Wiki on how to log in:
I now have the API documentation from NFON
Just to add more usage info, we’re an MSP which encourages phoning customers instead of just messaging back and forth. All the time we spend on the phone with customers, without a way to report on and cross reference that against tickets leaves us with a big hole in our stats.