Summary: Next Ticket requests from MS Teams
What problem/s will this bot address? Allowing technicians to continue to work inside of Teams without having to open another app
Is there any report that you are using today to address this problem? no
When should this bot be triggered? If a resource asks the bot in Teams !nextTicket, then send a message.
Where do you want to send the message? Teams - Specific User/s
Details of the message to be sent if the bot is triggered:
What happened? Dear , here is the next highest priority ticket
What should the recipient be asked to do? Work on this ticket now
Why should the recipient do it? This is the highest priority ticket at this time
Suggest a name for this bot: Next Ticket
Description of this bot: Will let technicians now the next ticket they should work on
Priority: Medium
Hi Michael,
I remember a couple of clients who mentioned this during our demos, and from my perspective, this is an awesome idea.
We’ll be tracking this request via this ticket.
The product owner assigned to the Next Ticket feature will evaluate against our roadmap and follow up on this feature request.
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