[New Bot] Send a message in an After Hours MS Teams Channel when a new support ticket is created after hours

Summary: Send a message in an After Hours MS Teams Channel when a new support ticket is created after hours.

What problem/s will this bot address? It would notify the after-hours team if a new support ticket is created during after-hours as a safety net in case the after-hours dispatch team doesn’t follow protocol and notify the after-hours team.

Is there any report that you are using today to address this problem? no

When should this bot be triggered? If It’s after 5:00pm and before 9:00am on Weekdays and all day Saturday and Sunday, then send a message.

Where do you want to send the message? Teams - Specific Channel/s

Details of the message to be sent if the bot is triggered:

   What happened? A New Support Ticket Has Been Opened

   What should the recipient be asked to do? After Hours Technician - Please check to see if this is a Critical/Urgent/Emergency ticket or is a VIP that we should quickly respond to.

   Why should the recipient do it? If we don’t receive a call from our after-hours dispatch team letting us know per protocol, this step acts as a safety net to ensure our clients emergencies are taken care of in an urgent matter.

Suggest a name for this bot: New After Hours Ticket Created Informer

Description of this bot: This bot informs the after-hours team that a new support ticket has been open so that we can ensure any critical or emergency tickets are handled appropriately.

Priority: Medium

Hi Crystal_Painter!

Thanks for sending this request!

This Bot that you have described is already existing as a custom bot for one of our ConnectWise VIP Clients. We would just need to migrate this bot to an AutoTask version and will inform you as soon as this is done.

We are still looking for more VIP clients that uses AutoTask. Let us know if you are interested.