[New Bot] Would like a bot that notifies techs if they have a ticket "In Progress" with no resource assigned to assign themselves

Summary: Would like a bot that notifies techs if they have a ticket “In Progress” with no resource assigned to assign themselves.

What problem/s will this bot address? We often have techs working tickets without assigning themselves.

Is there any dashboard that you are using today to address this problem? no

When should this bot be triggered? If ticket is “In Progress” with no assigned resource, then send a message.

Where do you want to send the message? Teams - Specific User/s

Details of the message to be sent if the bot is triggered:

   What happened? There is a ticket “In Progress” without an assigned resource.

   What should the recipient be asked to do? Please review your curren “In Progress” ticket and confirm you’ve added yourself as the assigned resource.

   Why should the recipient do it? Ticket communication cannot be properly routed without an assigned resource among other things.

Suggest a name for this bot: “In Progress” without assigned resource verifier

Description of this bot: Checks for tickets “In Progress” without assigned resource and notifies all techs to review.

Priority: Medium

Hi Blake,

Thank you for your request.
We’ve created a ticket and already assigned a team to work on your request. Please check your email for updates on the progress of your ticket.



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