Summary: Would like to get a bot that notifies resources, which are marked “IN”, that do not have a ticket currently “In Progress” when a new ticket has been received.
What problem/s will this bot address? Our ticket queue is often slow to receive tickets and we have engineers constantly sitting around hitting NT or refreshing Autotask. Having a bot notify them upon ticket creation would be beneficial to allowing them to use their downtime more proactively instead of constantly monitoring for new tickets.
Is there any dashboard that you are using today to address this problem? no
When should this bot be triggered? If always, then send a message.
Where do you want to send the message? Teams - Specific User/s
Details of the message to be sent if the bot is triggered:
What happened? A new ticket has been submitted
What should the recipient be asked to do? Enter NT into the MSPBots Teams channel for more info
Why should the recipient do it? To assist the customer
Suggest a name for this bot: New Ticket Notification
Description of this bot: Informs available engineers when a new ticket is available to be worked.
Priority: Medium
Hi Blake, we have created a support ticket for this request and our team will reach out to you through the ticket.Thanks.
I would like to see this bot as well